Birthday 04/11
Company The Chummy Factory
List your interests Art, theatre, books, music, films, food, architecture, interior design, history.
Bio At 20 years old, I joined the U.S.A.F. to escape small town life in rural N.C. When once again a civilian, I moved to Los Angeles, CA, where I lived happily for 10 years. I came to Santa Fe, NM in 1992 and have lived here since. Professionally, I have enjoyed success as the Data Entry Manager for MTM Studios (yes, Mary Tyler Moore Studios) and the Subscriptions Manager for two international magazines. There were other jobs in between, usually in high level administrative positions. Personally, I have always been a lover of the arts, especially the theatre, but books, movies, music and architecture/design as well. And, I confess...I am a foodie and love cooking it and eating it. While living in L.A., I was lucky enough to see tons of theatre and also up and coming bands in small clubs. Belonging to all of the art museums in the city allowed me to see every major exhibit that came through town. The combination of my professional and personal life led me to The Chummy Factory. Working as Operations Manager allows me to utilize my experience, passions and creative talents to help our fearless leader, Ms. Beverly Winters, to create and guide The Chummy Factory into a very exciting future, doing pretty much anything in any area that is required. I have never been so excited about any project I have been involved in, as this venture is so full of potential and possibilities for both professional and personal rewards. And now, being included in the 2019 BizMiz Challenge just confirms that those rewards are within reach for me and my team mates at the Chummy Factory.