Have a great startup idea?
bizMIX is a journey to develop skills, attract resources, make community connections and find the tools you need to start up and stay up. Our model is proven to increase the success rate of startups.

bizMIX 2019 Deadline to apply is April 18.

Apply here.

You can also nominate someone to apply for bizMIX.

If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor for our 2019 cohort, please check out our sponsorship packages.

Check out the bizMIX 2019 schedule here.

Explore the archives:

2018 BizMIX

2017 BizMIX

2016 BizMIX

2015 BizMIX

2014 BizMIX

2013 BizMIX

2012 BizMIX


If you have any questions about the bizMIX 2019 program, please contact: [email protected].

Pictured: 2018 bizMIX finalists and MIX Santa Fe staff.

bizMIX 2018 Sponsors

Fiscal Sponsors