Birthday 06/07
Company Sultan of Consultan'
List your interests youth developoment, arts, community development, nightlife, music, fundraising, bikes, motorcycles, trucks, food
Bio Daniel Werwath is a community development professional based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Daniel has worked with numerous non-profit organizations and local governments providing strategic development, program design and fundraising activities. He has created successful programs in the areas of affordable housing, energy conservation, youth development and alternative education, economic development, and the arts. Daniel is particularly engaged in the issues of youth development and the recruitment and retention of young professionals. Daniel is a cofounder of the MIX Collaborative, an innovative social networking group that organizes regular social events, micro-stimulus projects and crowdsourced community development solutions that engage younger demographics in Santa Fe. Daniel has extensive personal connections in the community with artists, professionals, businesses, community organizations and local government. Daniel is also a jeweler and metalsmith. Originally from Maine, Daniel studied socio-cultural anthropology at Northern Arizona University.