MIX is back with MAY vengeance…
…and it’s over the top.
Santa Fe’s art/tech/science/social laboratory, THE SANTA FE COMPLEX hosts the MAY 20 bloc-busta, blow-out, badadonkadonk crowdsource with cocktails.
Will your mind be blown by Joe Dean’s geo-digital-desic virtual video play-dome?
Will BADONKADONK DJ and cross-fit legend Maynard Del Mar dropkick a load of muscular, musical, mayhem on the greater Railyard region?
Will he break a turn table in half with his bare hands?
Will free, ass-kicking grub be dished out by the Nile Cafe New Mexi-Mid-East fusion food cart AND Souper Bowl winner and mind boggling doctor of deliciousness Ahmed Obo of Jambo Cafe?
Will your first drink be free courtesy of SilverCoin tequila?
Will the secret identity of the winner of MIX’s $1000 dollar challenge to create a marketing plan for living and working in Santa Fe be revealed?
Will Digital Graffiti interface with a computer by using only pure tech bravado and a can of spray paint?
Will our crazy party partners from AIGA be in the house?
Will the CHOP SHOP be doling out ridiculous style by cutting hair for mere tips in the middle of it all?
If you answered YES, ALL OF THE ABOVE, we have a special bonus for you:
We’re not saying that Anderson Cooper is going to be on hand–we’re not even promising national television coverage on a major news network–but we are warning you to look your best, MIXologists: The night is going be lively, the food and music is going to be orgasmic and the Santa Fe Complex is going to prove that–according to physics–you may have a tendency to exist in two places at once…and the second location might just waving to mom on national television.
PS… There’s easy parking in the Railyard Underground Lot. Parking is free after 5 pm…but the lot closes at 9:45, so be out by then.
PPS…Or, you could ride a bike