Birthday 01/15
Company ArtBeat Santa Fe
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Bio Kathryn M Davis is the principal and host of the recently re-formed ArtBeat Santa Fe, a social-media project covering the arts of Northern New Mexico. Davis is an art historian, writer/editor, and curator who specializes in modern and contemporary visual arts and critical theory. Based in New Mexico, she is a contributing writer for various Santa Fe–area and national magazines, including THE and Trend magazines. For about five years until last fall, Davis hosted ArtBeat, a weekly, live radio show about art that aired on Hutton Broadcasting stations. Previously, she taught art history at Santa Fe University of Art and Design and the College of Santa Fe, and at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Her non-credit art history classes, a series that ran in the mid-2000s, filled the Cinematheque at Santa Fe’s Center for Contemporary Arts. A new series is starting again this summer at CCA.