Tell us what you think.

For the last seven years, MIX has gathered loads of data at every single event. This community sourced data has uncovered a range of issues and ideas for addressing community vitality. This manifesto encapsulates the resulting ideals and provides a framework for entering into a citywide conversation about manifesting our shared priorities.

We’re on a mission to cultivate community-minded business values and we want your input! Please let us know which sections of the Manifestx you resonate with the most by checking the box next to it, then click “Vote”.

Attracting, retaining and promoting talent is the heart of a dynamic economic development strategy. Talented and gritty people launch businesses, create NGO’s, become leaders, drive innovation, propagate arts and science, and inspire others to try, fail, try again and succeed.

Jobs follow people. Progressive companies need skilled labor more than any other condition or incentive.
People seek community. People want to live in communities that share their values, expand their perspectives, facilitate meaningful, connective experiences and feed their passions.

Strong community is inclusive and diverse. Difference is a reflection of strength and variety of cultures, talent, values, creativity, perception and openness is required for a community of represent robust human and social capital.

Private capital follows public capital. Investors and job creators invest money into communities that lead by example and make proactive investments in the future.

Productive public input into government can and should be an ongoing dialogue. Interactive experimental outreach processes will help collect input that truly reflects the diverse opinions of the community and leverages new modes of communication and consensus.

Effective decision-making comes from access to high-quality information and data. Community-level policy decisions reflecting the needs of our diverse and intersectional community must be informed by vetted data-analysis.

A healthy housing ecosystem is a benefit to everyone and is everyone’s responsibility. A thriving city needs abundant housing options representing a diversity of pricing and housing types in all areas of the city.

Our built environment should reflect our community values of environmental responsibility. Higher housing densities, greater access to non-motorized and public transportation, as well as neighborhood level mixed use development are the most ecologically and socially responsible ways to grow and thrive.

Productive public input into government can and should be an ongoing dialogue that provides for equal representation for all cross-sections of the community. Voting is valuable baseline that smart communities magnify with iterative outreach processes. Public officials need avenues beyond elections and regular public hearings to collect input that truly reflects the diverse opinions of the community and takes advantage of the new modes of communication and input gathering.