Crisp air, bare skin, budding flowers, debilitating allergies…it must be the siren song of Spring in Santa Fe and the best way dip your skinny into the middle of it is MIXed Greens!

The green-built LENA STREET LOFTS hosts MIXers this month in a mammoth multi-use mezzanine space. Check out the bold businesses and hip denizens of these radically rusty rental units sandwiched between Second Street and the RAIL TRAIL while…

…Swaying in the sexy breeze to the sublime sounds of DJ 13PIECES

and tippling at the tap from the new and improved ROUGE CAT discount MIX bar where everything tastes better and costs less!

Enjoy one ON THE HOUSE by pausing to answer a few questions regarding the future of Live/Work development in Santa Fe (fill it out in advance at and being bedazzled by the boggling antics of Special Guests: The SANTA FE DISCO BRAWLERS ROLLER DERBY TEAM!

Forget Pizza–you’ll be noshing down FREE BACKROAD SUBS and SOUP including the new meatball sub (fresh-baked baguettes made with New Mexico wheat, sumptuous New Mexico Heritage Beef meatballs and house-made dill pickles). Vegetarian options will be on the table, natch.

Join us for the unveiling of the mysterious, magical WHEEL of MIX in its first incarnation as the future-casting ST MIKE’S-O-TRON.

Find your way from and to the RAIL TRAIL using swanky signage by SUZELLE CAMOU and check out all the design variations she and her fellow students in David Grey’s kick-ass design program at SFUAD generated for the event.

And don’t forget your business cards, shiny shoes, little black dresses, resumes and phone-bumping attitudes: Santa Fe is getting all extra-entrepreneurial this year and you all are the vanguard.

Remember to enter the BizMIX competition at, because we are getting ready to roll out more than $10,000 in cash and resources for the next BIG business idea (which could be awesomely small). MIX coordinators will be on hand to answer questions, solve riddles, propose conundrums and wax philosophical.

As always, this is a private party and YOU are invited.