It is the year Two Thousand and Eleven: MIX is back and MIX loves you!

MIX has big plans for you in 2011. We’re launching an all new website to track projects and collaborations in the City Different and to engage in targeted resource and financial support for young entrepreneurs and bold new businesses…

…and we’re inaugurating our 2011 efforts in traditional MIX style: We gonna party.

Get your young and inspired asses to the rapidly swank-ifying Baca Railyard and check out some innovative cargotecture at MOLECULE–a top shelf furniture and design joint assembled out of ISO shipping containers and architectural chutzpah.

Audio design and compulsive gyration strategies will be courtesy of the one and only, the legendary, the luscious…DJ MISS GINGER.

POKI wanders the earth like Kane, using circus and juggling skills to fight for truth and justice, but he calls Santa Fe home and he’ll be on hand to circus-ize your brains and perform feats of deadly derring-do and wanton performative precision.

Food you can believe in will be courtesy of COUNTER CULTURE with the addition of vegan/gluten free cupcakes from MOMO CAKES.

The cash bar will be lovingly staffed by THE UNDERGROUND and, as always…a FREE drink will be courtesy of artisanal, organic, ambrosia peddlers ILEGAL MEZCAL…

…but you need to jump through hoops to get your free drink: If you like us, we’ll LOVE you. Everyone who likes MIX on Facebook by the time we print the list on Feb. 16 gets a drink ticket and a kiss on the lips.*